Open Source Software Insight
A newsletter of JavaScript articles, news and cool projects
The annual developer survey of the JavaScript ecosystem
TLDR Newsletter - A Byte Sized Daily Tech Newsletter
Roadmap to becoming a web developer.
A free CDN open source project
Generate high-quality small badge icons for your open source projects
namae lets you give your application, web service or organization a nice name
The easiest way to configure a high-performance, secure, and stable NGINX server
Documenting web technologies including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript since 2005.
Generate Terminal GIF online
A web tool for exploring AST syntax trees produced by various parsers
Various data formats and object conversion
Open Source API Development Ecosystem
A concise online JSON parser
The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open source projects
Deliver secure code faster, deploy to any cloud, and drive business outcomes
Vercel combines the best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance
Netlify is a cloud platform that provides static website hosting. It supports functions such as automatically pulling code from code warehouses such as Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket, and then packaging and deploying projects.
An open source and self-hosted Heroku/Netlify alternative
The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open source projects
Bring your code and we'll do the rest
Supabase is an open-source backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that helps developers quickly build applications without writing backend code.
CodeSandbox is an online code editor and prototyping tool to create and share web applications faster
The best place to build, test and discover front-end code
Stackblitz maintains an instant development experience in the process. No more hours of storing/pulling/installing locally - just click and start coding
vscode officially provides an online web version of vscode code writing website
Code editing experience for creating live runs
A component library for designers and developers based on Vue 3
A Vue 3 component library is relatively complete, the theme is adjustable, using TypeScript, it’s a bit interesting
An enterprise-level UI design language and React component library
Enterprise-level design system produced by ByteDance
Vuetify is a Vue UI library with handcrafted beautiful material components. No design skills required - everything you need to create stunning apps is at your fingertips
The current popular React UI framework
Vben is a background management framework developed based on the latest technology stacks such as Vue3, Vite, and TypeScript
The front-end framework opens Party🎉, the Web component JS framework is outlined through its syntax and features
wasm is a new format that is portable, small, fast and web-compatible
Powerful 3D-Js library
Jest is a delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity.
Fast, easy and reliable testing of anything that runs in the browser.
Playwright provides reliable end-to-end testing for modern web applications.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime based on the Chrome V8 engine
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime
NPM is the largest package manager in the world
Yarn is a package manager that also acts as a project management tool. Whether you are a small project or a large monorepos, whether you are a hobbyist or an enterprise user, Yarn can meet your needs
A fast, disk space-efficient package manager
Axios is a promise-based network request library that can be used in browsers and node.js
Based on the Node.js platform, a fast, open and minimalist web development framework
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications
Deno A next-generation web framework built with a focus on speed, reliability, and simplicity.
Socket.IO is a tool library that enables real-time, two-way, event-based communication between browsers and servers
tRPC is a lightweight, type-safe remote procedure call framework developed with TypeScript that helps developers easily write and deploy high-performance distributed applications.
Socket.IO is a tool library that enables real-time, two-way, event-based communication between browsers and servers
TypeORM is an ORM framework that can run on NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, Expo and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5,ES6,ES7,ES8)
Prisma 下一代 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的ORM框架
GraphQL is both a query language for APIs and a runtime to satisfy your data queries
An open source JavaScript-based visual charting library
webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When webpack processes an application, it recursively builds a dependency graph that includes every module the application needs, and then packages all of these modules into one or more bundles
Rollup is a module bundler for JavaScript that compiles small pieces of code into larger, more complex code, such as libraries or applications
The next-generation front-end tool chain provides extremely fast response for development
Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
Turbopack 是一个用 Rust 编写的针对 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 优化的增量式捆绑包。
SWC is a scalable Rust-based platform for next-generation rapid development tools.
Thousands of icons, one unified framework
Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify
Simple and beautiful open source icons
A constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images, completely free to use
Website with millions of auto-generated gradients
Google Fonts is a library of 1,064 free licensed font families, an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for conveniently using the fonts through CSS and Android
A dynamically generated customizable SVG typing effect
Build cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS
Tauri is a framework for building small, fast binaries for all major desktop platforms
Flutter is Google's open-source application development framework. It can build beautiful, native platform-compiled multi-platform applications with only one set of code libraries.
Taro is an open cross-terminal and cross-framework solution that supports the use of frameworks such as React/Vue/Nerv to develop applications such as WeChat/JD/Baidu/Alipay/ByteDance/QQ/Flying Book Mini Program/H5/RN
Static website generator powered by Vue and built with Vite
Vue powered static site generator
Quickly build the best content-focused website
Fast, clean and efficient blogging framework
GitBook helps you publish beautiful documentation for users and centralize your team's knowledge for advanced collaboration
docsify can quickly help you generate documentation websites
WordPress is an open source software that lets you build a great website, blog or app
AWS Lambda
The unofficial GitHub star ranking for users, organizations, and repositories
Create your own metrics
A Github profile README generator
Github Get dynamically generated GitHub stats in your README!