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Must brush every week🔥

Site 🖥️

  • Developer Roadmap

    Roadmap to becoming a web developer.

  • JS delivr

    A free CDN open source project


    Generate high-quality small badge icons for your open source projects

  • namae

    namae lets you give your application, web service or organization a nice name

  • NGINX configuration

    The easiest way to configure a high-performance, secure, and stable NGINX server


  • MDN

    Documenting web technologies including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript since 2005.

Tools 🛠️

Webhosting 🌐

  • GitHub

    The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open source projects

  • Gitlab

    Deliver secure code faster, deploy to any cloud, and drive business outcomes

Online IDE 🖥️

  • Vercel

    Vercel combines the best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance

  • Netlify

    Netlify is a cloud platform that provides static website hosting. It supports functions such as automatically pulling code from code warehouses such as Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket, and then packaging and deploying projects.

  • Coolify

    An open source and self-hosted Heroku/Netlify alternative

  • GitHub Codespace

    The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open source projects

  • Railway

    Bring your code and we'll do the rest

  • Supabase

    Supabase is an open-source backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that helps developers quickly build applications without writing backend code.

Online Code 🖥️

  • CodesandBox

    CodeSandbox is an online code editor and prototyping tool to create and share web applications faster

  • CodePen

    The best place to build, test and discover front-end code

  • Stackblitz

    Stackblitz maintains an instant development experience in the process. No more hours of storing/pulling/installing locally - just click and start coding


    vscode officially provides an online web version of vscode code writing website

  • Sandpack

    Code editing experience for creating live runs

Component Library & UI

  • Element Plus

    A component library for designers and developers based on Vue 3

  • Naive UI

    A Vue 3 component library is relatively complete, the theme is adjustable, using TypeScript, it’s a bit interesting

  • Ant Design

    An enterprise-level UI design language and React component library

  • Arco Design

    Enterprise-level design system produced by ByteDance

  • Vuetify

    Vuetify is a Vue UI library with handcrafted beautiful material components. No design skills required - everything you need to create stunning apps is at your fingertips

  • MUI

    The current popular React UI framework

  • VbenAdmin

    Vben is a background management framework developed based on the latest technology stacks such as Vue3, Vite, and TypeScript


  • Component party

    The front-end framework opens Party🎉, the Web component JS framework is outlined through its syntax and features

  • WebAssembly

    wasm is a new format that is portable, small, fast and web-compatible

  • Threejs

    Powerful 3D-Js library

  • Jest

    Jest is a delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity.

  • Cypress

    Fast, easy and reliable testing of anything that runs in the browser.

  • Playwright

    Playwright provides reliable end-to-end testing for modern web applications.

Node/Deno & JavaScript

  • Node

    Node.js is a JavaScript runtime based on the Chrome V8 engine

  • Deno

    A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript

  • Bun

    Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime

  • NPM

    NPM is the largest package manager in the world

  • Yarn

    Yarn is a package manager that also acts as a project management tool. Whether you are a small project or a large monorepos, whether you are a hobbyist or an enterprise user, Yarn can meet your needs

  • Pnpm

    A fast, disk space-efficient package manager

  • Axios

    Axios is a promise-based network request library that can be used in browsers and node.js

  • Expressjs

    Based on the Node.js platform, a fast, open and minimalist web development framework

  • Nest.js

    A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications

  • Fresh

    Deno A next-generation web framework built with a focus on speed, reliability, and simplicity.


    Socket.IO is a tool library that enables real-time, two-way, event-based communication between browsers and servers

  • tRPC

    tRPC is a lightweight, type-safe remote procedure call framework developed with TypeScript that helps developers easily write and deploy high-performance distributed applications.

  • Strapi

    Socket.IO is a tool library that enables real-time, two-way, event-based communication between browsers and servers

  • TypeORM

    TypeORM is an ORM framework that can run on NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, Expo and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5,ES6,ES7,ES8)

  • Prisma

    Prisma 下一代 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的ORM框架

  • GraphQL

    GraphQL is both a query language for APIs and a runtime to satisfy your data queries

  • ECharts

    An open source JavaScript-based visual charting library

Build Tools

  • Webpack

    webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When webpack processes an application, it recursively builds a dependency graph that includes every module the application needs, and then packages all of these modules into one or more bundles

  • Rollup.js

    Rollup is a module bundler for JavaScript that compiles small pieces of code into larger, more complex code, such as libraries or applications

  • Vite

    The next-generation front-end tool chain provides extremely fast response for development

  • Turborepo

    Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.

  • Turbopack

    Turbopack 是一个用 Rust 编写的针对 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 优化的增量式捆绑包。

  • SWC

    SWC is a scalable Rust-based platform for next-generation rapid development tools.

Font & Icon

  • iconify

    Thousands of icons, one unified framework

  • icones

    Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify

  • feathericons

    Simple and beautiful open source icons

  • undraw

    A constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images, completely free to use

  • gradient color website

    Website with millions of auto-generated gradients

  • Google Fonts

    Google Fonts is a library of 1,064 free licensed font families, an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for conveniently using the fonts through CSS and Android

  • Typing SVG

    A dynamically generated customizable SVG typing effect

Cross Platform

  • Electron

    Build cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS

  • Tauri

    Tauri is a framework for building small, fast binaries for all major desktop platforms

  • Flutter

    Flutter is Google's open-source application development framework. It can build beautiful, native platform-compiled multi-platform applications with only one set of code libraries.

  • Taro

    Taro is an open cross-terminal and cross-framework solution that supports the use of frameworks such as React/Vue/Nerv to develop applications such as WeChat/JD/Baidu/Alipay/ByteDance/QQ/Flying Book Mini Program/H5/RN

Site Generator

  • VitePress

    Static website generator powered by Vue and built with Vite

  • VuePress

    Vue powered static site generator

  • Docusaurus

    Quickly build the best content-focused website

  • Hexo

    Fast, clean and efficient blogging framework

  • GitBook

    GitBook helps you publish beautiful documentation for users and centralize your team's knowledge for advanced collaboration

  • Docsify

    docsify can quickly help you generate documentation websites

  • WordPress

    WordPress is an open source software that lets you build a great website, blog or app

