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👋 Hey there!

I'm Luis Ayala, a self-taught tech enthusiast from El Salvador with experience in a range of fields, including cyber security, web development, hardware hacking, cloud computing, IT, and DevOps.

I'm always excited about the latest trends and innovations in technology, especially in cloud computing, IT, and DevOps. I love learning new things and constantly expanding my knowledge and skillset. But don't worry, I don't keep all this tech talk to myself - I'm always eager to share my insights with others and to help them develop their own skills.

As someone who is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge, I'm a big supporter of online learning and collaboration. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve great things, no matter where they come from or what their background is. That's why I'm committed to helping others reach their full potential and to creating a more efficient, secure, and innovative technological landscape.

Despite the challenges I've faced along the way, I've always stayed true to my passion and worked hard to make a positive impact in the world. So, let's geek out and have some fun exploring the latest tech trends and innovations together!

🛠 technology stack

JavaScript TypeScript Python Vue React Node.js NestJs Vite Nuxt Git GitHub Docker Mysql MongoDB Redis Electron Miniprogram Reverse HTTP

☎️ Contact Me

